Today is my 45th BIRTHDAY. This year, please do to pay it forward and then send me a picture telling me about it. My birthday wish is to collect 45 random of KINDNESS :).

I am too darn old haha…. I am young to some but over-the-hill to others oppsss :). 45 years of existence, 45 years of learning to be a better person no matter how I feel or look.

Today, I am writing and list 45 things,  I am grateful and thankful with my life.  They are bubbling up now and these are:

  1. I am proud of  myself despite all the trials,  I was able to overcome it.
  2. I am proud of myself for believing I can do things right,  even others tell me I can’t and putting me down.
  3. I am proud of myself for able to forgive and love.
  4. I am proud of myself that despite some really though times my  partner and I have stuck it out and still make each other happy. 🙂
  5. I am proud of myself for reaching out and taking risks.
  6. I am proud of  my crazy lifestyle, bubbly and full of life. :).
  7. I am proud and love my freedom of speech.
  8. I am proud of the blessings that God has bestowed upon me, in my life. He’s given me the vision to truly see that you can fall down, but you can still get back up.
  9. I am proud and love  all the people I meet everyday who inspire me.
  10. I am proud and love myself for being me. I was both loved and hated for being upfront, but  I am completely comfortable with who I am.

10 down, 35 to go.. I can truly say I like myself so perfectly!

45 years of existence. What a gift of life! A perfect gift. Happy Birthday to Me!